jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

My WebSite automatic adjust Diferent Resolution screen

Almost all pages are optimized for a resolution of only 800 x 600 pixels, and while most teams are now set to that resolution, the older monitors do not support more than 640 x 480 pixels, on the contrary, the teams last generation have often set the monitor to 1024 x 768 pixels and can support up to 1280 x 1024.

The optimization of only one page at a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels, it can even be more than annoying for monitors 640 x 480 pixels, and even impossible when the navigation option to disable scroll in web page developed using frames.

To solve this problem there is a possibility, although some what laborious, it is worthwhile as it gives you an optimized website for all the resolutions that are desired. It is very important for a good organization from the beginning.

The structure of the folders if appropriate, as explained below, will save a lot of work because it will avoid having to rename files, edit links and images that repeat unnecessarily increase the size of the site with the consequent loss of time to upload.

This would recommend the following steps:

1. Create a main folder where the site is hosted eg "MyWeb"
2. MyWeb create within a folder named "images" where the images are, another one called "sounds" where the sounds, videos and so on according to the resources used. Then you create a folder called es800600. The last folder contains only files htm, php, cgi website to be created with a screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels.
3. They create two folders called es640480 and es1024768 within "MyWeb"
4. Once you have developed the Web site is optimized for 800x600 and is now the definitive version, it copies the contents of the folder and pasted es800600 within es640480 and es1024768.
5. Changing the monitor settings to 640x480 and open the files in the folder es64048 only be re-edited, is primarily a work setting tables. NO NEED TO CHANGE OR RENAME THE FILE LINK.
6. Likewise, changing the monitor to 1024x768 and htm files are opened that fall, edited and saved.
7. If you want to create a version in English only should be copied the three folders that begin with the letters "en", rename the start by "at" and replace the text by the English, but the images will not have to re-upload or change the links or file names.
8. Create the main page that is within "MyWeb" and outside of the above folders. This main file, index.html should contain the following code in the body... to see the code please visit http://www.drpcsolution.com/37-camaras-ip

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